Connect Teaching

Connection Point

Connection Point is your first step to getting connected with Without Walls Church! This four-step four-week process is designed to help you grow in your relationship with Christ and to connect you with the church.  Although these classes were designed with new members in mind, they can be extended for current members as well.

Step 1 - Connect to Christ

Learn more about a relationship with Christ and the life that He desires for each of us. Week 1 we will learn how to be in Christ. Once we understand these principals then we will explore what’s next.

Step 2 - Connect to Church

Learn more about who we are as a church, our beliefs, and our unique story and mission. Week 2 we go down the journey of understanding the mission and history of the Without Walls Church.  We elaborate on the doctrinal foundation of the church.  Learn more of the Holy Trinity, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fellowship & Communion, Giving & Baptism.

Step 3 - Connect to Your Call

Discover more about your unique gifts and how you can connect to the church and the body of Christ through your calling. We are afforded spiritual gifts by our Lord and in Week 3 we explore how to identify and put these gifts to use.

Step 4 - Connect to Others

In week 4 we realize the importance of identifying our gifts and now explore how to connect to others for Christ.  The fulfillment of the great commission outline by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 is the key for this class.